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| Poezi nga "Varrezat e Femijerise" nga Renis Nushaj | |
| | Autori | Mesazh |
TheBest Moderator
Numri i postimeve : 4519 Age : 36 Location : Deutschland Job/hobbies : Fraer Humor : Filmat qesharake Registration date : 13/11/2007
| Titulli: Poezi nga "Varrezat e Femijerise" nga Renis Nushaj 17/9/2010, 13:29 | |
| Atdheu
Cdo dite e me teper reflektoj, kthimin qe me perket permes harreses; Dhe shperqendrohem ne vdekje... Hap syte dhe penetroj erresiren: Qendroj ende i shtrire dhe megjithese ndihem i gjalle perseri (pas kaq vitesh mumifikimi absurd) ndjej krimbat e nentokes te me depertojne kafken nder vite pagjumesie te crregullt. Nuk arrij te leviz dot, por shoh duart qe jane mbuluar nga bari e dheu. Nje perrua i vogel kalon prane meje, stalagmitet siper kokes bien mbi trupin tim te pajete, dhe kujtoj, vite pasi nderrova jete, nje kerpudhe e zeze mesoi te lulezonte ketu, dimrave te lagesht, por tani jo me: Kjo stine tashme eshte e ftohte... Dhe per disa vite rresht, kujtoj, e pashe te thahej, ne tentativen e lulezimit helmues. Por mbase nje dite do te lulezoje serish... Gjithcka eshte kthyer ne nje qetesi mortore. Ndjej token lart meje, te shkrete deri ne morrnica dhe e di se, nese kujtoj nje rruge, ketu poshte nuk kam per ta gjetur kurre. Tashme e kam kuptuar se nuk do te kthehem me ne jete, dhe vetmia ka kohe qe nuk me bezdis. Kujtoj: Kohet e para ish' me e veshtire. Ne erresiren e plote, s'arrija te kuptoja ne isha syhapur apo symbyllur, dhe me mendjen ne nje vakum te plote, ishte e trishte, mbaj mend te mos kuptoja ne c'gjendje ndodhesha. te mos arrija kurre te kuptoja, se cfare duhet te ndieja! Kam perjetuar prehjen e vdekjes... por mbase ajo qe kam urryer me teper, ka qene ai tis tinzar pabesie qe me perfshinte ne lageshtiren e erresires. Fillova te mendoja (po ende nuk e kuptoja qe po mendoja) se kishte qene thjesht nje jete e shkuar dem ne tentativen e njohjes. Tani isha thjesht, deshira e perceptimit te kohes qe nuk dija ne kalonte apo jo, dhe qe llogarisja permes mendimeve qe shkeputeshin nga siperfaqet e oqeaneve si delfine te ngordhur drejt parajsash shkumezuese. Jam i pershkruar nga nje hije dyshimi dhe nga nje crregullim i pergjithshem i gjithesise personale...heshtjeje, dhe ngurtesie te perthyer ne veprim Cudi!...Kjo pafundesi qe me rrethon... Prandaj konsideroj jeten si qetesine e nje shpirti qe vuan ne perjetesi. | |
| | | TheBest Moderator
Numri i postimeve : 4519 Age : 36 Location : Deutschland Job/hobbies : Fraer Humor : Filmat qesharake Registration date : 13/11/2007
| Titulli: Re: Poezi nga "Varrezat e Femijerise" nga Renis Nushaj 17/9/2010, 13:32 | |
| Monologue: Explaining the American Dream to an Albanian Mother
Mother it is obvious I will go to America with or without your consent, and if you give me the money I will appreciate it immensely, if you don't have it, I guess you'll have to borrow it, and if you don't want to give me the money, I'll just have to swim I guess. I won't be neither the first nor the last.
There is obviously nothing to worry about, and no difficulties included in the package. If there were to be any, I would not get myself involved in the first place, for I am neither crazy nor overly optimistic: As I have told you countless times, I will put into work the Veni, Vidi, Vici approach. I will go, make that million dollars real quick and come back before you even notice I was gone.
I know I am seventeen, mother. Do you think I lost track? And why do you say "only" seventeen? Am I not old enough for you? Mother, I think you need to trust me a little bit more. What will I do in America? What do people do in America, mother? I will go to school; I will work a little bit and in my free time, I will make it a point to have fun. Actually, now that I think about it, the Americans have a lot of free time I have heard (they are such a rich nation after all) so I might have to focus a lot more on the fun part... Who will I stay with? Mother, now what kind of a question is that? Aren't you being a little too pessimistic? What kind of people do you think the Americans to be? Do you think that anyone in America would find enough evil in their heart to allow such a fine Albanian to sleep under the bridge? You are definitely too pessimistic, mother.
I will probably use one of these exchange programs, at least in the beginning, but I plan to move on my own very quickly. How will I afford it? Certainly I will seek employment somewhere, and I doubt a fine specimen such as myself will be denied a position anywhere! It's not like they will be running out of jobs anytime soon in America! As to the kind of employment that I will be attaining, unlike the rest, that would be mere speculation at this point. I guess I will go with the flow, though I must say, a nice cushy job somewhere never hurt anyone... What if I am incapable of finding a job I am comfortable with? I doubt that will happen, but my policy is on of non-bargaining. If I settle for nothing less, than I will attain nothing less.
Mother, what kind of question is it: Aren't I afraid I am going to miss you, mother? I am being serious here! We've got something very serious in our hands! Let us not compromise the American Dream with such archaic and patriarchal notions such as longing. Why must we as nation be so pessimistic in our endeavors. I am working with a plan here, mother: I am pursuing the American Dream. Let us be serious for a moment, focus, and understand the notion and the very foundations it lies upon. What I offer... my vision, is one riddled in simplicity. Arrival in America, a quick rise to the top, and an even quicker return home. Mother, it is pure genius, it is brilliant, it is, above all, necessary.
I know and understand that your wage is about $100 a month, father is unemployed and aside myself and my little brother, you are also supporting all three living grandparents, and I also know and understand very well that $ 7000 is a good chunk of money, but the situation at hand is reduced down to one single, all inclusive question: Mother, can we say no to destiny? I would argue, no.
What about my friends? Oh, mother, always so melancholic! Always prying on the spiritual. You must try and leave the backwardness of Eastern Europe behind in your mental map of the world and for once I want you to try and visualize America and all which it encompasses. I want you to visualize it as it rises from the foundations of an ageless continent, yet so young in its history, so unsurpassable in its might, so fresh in its approach. What a piece of work is America! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculty! In form and moving how express and admirable! In action how like an angel! In apprehension how like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals!
I know right now this might sound as the babbling of a teenager, but you will understand one day. The American Dream is obviously much more than just an empty idea reducing the proletariat to pragmatism. It is more than just a simple approach to governance, an idea devoid of meaning which keeps the middle and lower classes subdued through the desire to succeed. Mother, the American Dream is not yet another opiate for the masses.
Having been born and lived in such backwardness for so long, by virtue of necessity, we are too corrupt in our ideology, too immersed in the present, and too selfish in our desires, to be truly capable of comprehending as pure a thought. The American ideology in its outmost simplicity is not just moral righteousness, but what is truly remarkable about us as humanity, what we should strive for as a whole in order to be marked as inherently good in the eye of the Creator, what is noble of our endeavor in our journey toward death. Mother, "the American Dream" is the reality of a people, not the hallucination of, it is truth carved in stone, not a vision in the desert.
Indeed, it is because I understand it, that I endorse it. This is not a shot in the dark. I am not trying to be the blind man in a room full of deaf people, but rather merely attempting to be in unison with an upwardly mobile population that knows no boundaries. Mother, we have in our hands a people that has surpassed the Tower of Babel countless times, a population which has calmly laid siege to the hopeless heavens, whose achievement sees no ends, other than the "soon to be conquered" in all probability, those of spiritual bliss. Mother, the American Dream is attained perfection, not subjugation.
My desire to go to America is not the mindless attempt of a teenager to achieve freedom from parental control before the official deadline of Universal Suffrage, but rather the well calculated move toward a desired objective grounded in reality. The noblest of causes, the most well defined of paths, yours truly: The Endorsement of a Dream.
I have a dream as well, mother. And that dream is simple and sincere as simple and sincere we Albanians are. I have a dream; that one day, in every immigration office I set foot upon, I shall be judged not by the color of my red communist passport but by the content of my blue, freedom loving one. I have a dream; that one day I may pursue and attain the American dream, and no longer dream nightmares of supperless evenings, but rather dream of middle class values, of whoppers and happy meals, coca cola and no starch on my plate as I will no longer be eastern and backward, rather western and dwelling in the American dream, my Atkins dream, democracy exporting for democracy is on wheels, Antebellum dream...
Mother, to deny me this opportunity, would be to stand against the mighty winds of destiny. How can we, mere creatures of causality refuse what has been pre-ordained by higher powers? How can we, with our insignificant wills, even dream to stand against this avalanche of predestined historical outcome, which is the American Dream? Mother, we stand no chance: We are the lost tribes of times long gone, hopelessly searching for our homeland, and not realizing that the arms of America are wide open, and are expecting nothing short of our abandonment in it. Mother, the Olympus is watching, the Gods rightfully expect the fulfillment of their will. Mother, I must go to America.
Mother, nations will perish, but the American Dream will stand. Mother, eternity will come to an end, the American Dream will continue. Mother, the Tower of Babel and like minded endeavors will lie ruinous, the American Dream will tower above the heavens. I must go to America. Indeed, the paraphrase one of the many fine Americans out there: "We have not yet begun to sail to America." Yet, there, it lies right at the stretch of our fingertips: Far like reality, yet close like a dream.
And what is holding us back from attaining it? Money. Yes, money. The virus of the ages. You know mother, this archaic notion, merely a step above bartering, will probably be outlawed very soon in America. Oh, yes indeed. Do not be surprised. It will probably be outlawed very soon and that continent will be using smiles as their currency. Oh, this is quite serious mother. What else could it be? Such wealth, such innovation, such reason, such progress... Anything less than a smile, will certainly be inadequate.
Mother, give me America or give me death. Oh, yes, it is that serious indeed. No need to laugh, a lot is at stake here. Mother, we should no longer ask what I can do for our country, but rather what our country can do for me. It is the duty of this country, not merely this family, to send me to America, for indeed my success will not simply be shared among us as a family, but among us as a people. We must endorse our destiny as a people, mother: I must leave at once. Give me America... Produce, America.... Give me America or give me death. __________________ Stinet
Ja, kjo, vera qe adhuroj, dhe therrimet e tavolines rrugeve te zbrazura ne ore te caktuara. Fytyra ime ne nje gjendje trupore te cuditshme me shpirtin e cuditshem! Prisni... Le te bejme nje cope udhe se bashku me te tere zhurmat tona ne bisedat uniseksuale ku flasim per ty e per mua lidhur me gjera qe s'i njohim. Pashmangshmerisht, do te cuditemi dhe ne... Dhe do te flasim, per subjekte jokonkrete duke meshiruar vdekjen; jeten dhe zarat e fatit. Gjarperinjte neper kembe helmi i muzikes qe me percohet ne detajet e rimekembjes se cdo geni. Mpleksemi ne lokale te shthurur dhe nxjerrim dashurite e njeri-tjetrit qellimisht me vetedijen e qarte te dhimbjes se fshehur egove te pazbuluara. Na joshin vetmite e te nderkryer mekateve njesojme monotonine e shpirtit. Rruget e zbrazura na joshin, gjithashtu verandat, bisedat e pasditeve, ndonje shetitje e rralle, dhe rallehere dashuria. Ne pranvere, te gjithe dashurohen, cuditerisht. Ne vjeshte duam te ecim tinezisht duke shpresuar qe ndonje gjethe te na bjere ne ecjen tone nen syte e se dashures; me veprimet e ngadalta rrebeshet e deshires, dimrave, e kjo, vera qe adhuroj, e dashur ne ore te caktuara si dashuria. ---------------------------- Nese...
Bardhesia e trotuareve te veres ne shandanet e menduar me vite te zjarrte si kjo dite, tek hijet e zbehta te diteve te nxehta ku fokusohen idete e marramendjes. Me mendimet e lodhura dhe fjalet e ntrashura i ulur diku, pak rendesi ka, ku; djersa qe na afron me bulezat e saj qe kujtojne permallshem orgazmat e dikurshme dhe fjalet qe na kane eksituar. Une e ti, jemi te paqarte! Na akuzojne si te pakuptueshem, ndonjehere, dhe ndonjehere na evitojne per kete arsye. E kuptueshme: jemi te paqarte! Me afrohet koka drejt tavolines kur shkruaj, dhe poezia me rreshqet prej sysh feminore pa driten brenda tyre, por, nuk perseritemi; fale dikujt qe nuk njohim. Dhe ja, prape, ne kete tavoline... pa sfonde per t'u clodhur, me duart e lodhura mbi te, pa ditur c'ka mbetur pa thene e qe ne mund te shtojme ende... nese duhet te shtojme! ------------------------
Dhimbja e kokes nga libra me emra te paqarte, me intesitetin e vdekjes ne lokalet qe frekuentoj kur perflitemi... e na perflasin. Ky muzg deshire, si nje qen i trembur nga pavetedija qe me largohet si nje mik zemre duke me lene nen shokimin e subkoshiences te vrare e perterire sa e sa here nga librat qe adhuroj. E me ka mbetur... Si nje alpinist i varur diku ne shpirt qe lendon shpirtin tim... Horizontet, qe mbase shtrihen perpara meje, te penguar; c'me mbetet te shoh?! Asgje; paksa i lene ne hije nen reflekse te zeza te veteveshtrohem. Ne sfond fytyren dhe te turbullt akrepat e ores ne arin e tyre me duart mbi fytyre duke lene vec pak pjese te arrira, i pergjysmuar... Ne gjysem deshirat per te shkruar, i percare, nga ndjenja te neveritshme; me sende te cuditshme kudo ne boten time qe duket sikur me ndjekin ne nxirjen e vizioneve duke vrapuar per te hapur deren qe troket vazhdimisht nga njerez qe ende flasin, rrotullohen ngadalshem ne erresiren e pamjes se paqarte teksa deshironim renien.. A e deshiroj? Duke deshiruar renien, por pa e ditur: Ne jam ky, apo duhet te jem une! ---------------------------------------- Per shpetimin
Nese askush nuk mund ta thote atehere, lereni me mire te mos ndodhe. -----------------------------
Nje forme e re! Me pelqen, me pelqen. Eshte nje dicka tjeter per te cilen kam nevoje si breshka e ujit per ngadalsine e saj neveritese. Kam nevoje per dicka disi te zbrazet qofte edhe te ndryshme dicka qe te mos me ngrere peshe: Nuk eksitohet, nuk eksitohet. Nuk eksitohem me jeten e bukur qe rreshqet ne fytyren time duke lene gezimet dhe perjetimet si shenja perjetesisht te frikshme. Rrjedhimisht, ne syte e tu te nxire ka dicka qe nuk me eksiton. Megjithese pa interes, s'mund te bej pa te, pa pak neveri qe ndjej per ty, duke dashur te mos e bej shprehi, dicka pa te cilen s'do te mund te vazhdojme, perkundrazi, do te detyrohemi te rrime indiferente ne lokalet e papajtueshem te moshes nder urat gri te komes e infarktit, me percmimin si virtyt dhe ata qe na dashurojne per pak larg nesh, ne nje moment te caktuar turbullues. Ulur ca me tutje me veshtrime triumfale neper parvazet e koherave ku mjegulla psheretitese peshperisin dashurine. Le te mbytemi ne Sene, me mire, sesa ne zhubravitjet e letrave te lamtumires. Aromat qe harrohen nder sirtare; modeli i flokeve te tu, dy a tri fjale dhe buzeqeshjet qe na tendosnin egoizmin. Ti, une, dhe shume gjera te tjera aspak interesante nder te cilat ajo qe e quajtem dashuri. Shoqeria ku ishim ne qender te vemendjes; "Une"... dhe ti qe s'kuptoje poezine. ---------------------------------- Zgjedhja
Endrrat, librat dhe dashuria ime per ty si ne ndonje antologji te ftohte, karruseli i femijerise jeta dhe qiejt e hapur ne deshirat e mija per pyetje: C'kerkon? Kush je? Hapesirat e kontraktuara ne boten e minjve nevoja per drite me kohen qe shkon drejt fundit te saj. Ky mbipopullim mutant i mendimeve ne tru si pluhuri qe la nje statuje e paperfunduar. Bloza e oxhaqeve ne dimer, kolera ne vere ne rruget e zhuritura sikur te jene droguar qe me kalojne ne mendje me indiferencen e dritave te nates duke lene shenjat e reve bardhesia, dhe i detyruar te jem i verber ose i vdekur!: Ky, s'duhet te jem une.
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| | | TheBest Moderator
Numri i postimeve : 4519 Age : 36 Location : Deutschland Job/hobbies : Fraer Humor : Filmat qesharake Registration date : 13/11/2007
| Titulli: Re: Poezi nga "Varrezat e Femijerise" nga Renis Nushaj 17/9/2010, 13:33 | |
| Vera e fundit
Vera e fundit, zoteri! Dhe mjaf me... Ketu perpara jush keni silueten e mbetur te atij qe s'do te kthehet me! Siluete shpirterash... Por ju jeni me siguri nga ata qe s'reagojne ndaj dhimjes. Era rrotullohet neper Univers si per te gjetur dicka jo monotone duke krijuar keshtu vetveten, ate me te riperseritshmen.
Ka shume menyra, shume menyra, per te arritur ate qe dua, ka shume menyra: S'mund t'i jepem vetem njeres.
"S'me intereson"
Pajtoni i fundit zoteri, dhe s'ka me. Do te me kujtojne hera heres, dhe do te me harrojne. I permendur vetem ne biseda sa per te shtyre kohen. Me flihet, me flihet. Edhe dores time, gjithckaje, turbullt i flihet. Si arinjte ne dimer, autostradat ne vere, por duhet edhe nje poezi, nje tjeter poezi per te mbajtur veten pas dickaje qe mund te me mbaje, qe mund te me shtyje, per te shkruar edhe nje tjeter per te ecur sadopak, pastaj per te fjetur. Nese do te me flihet ende; ne kete, kjo, ketu, qe ndodhet perpara jush, kjo... Kjo vera e fundit, zoteri. ------------------------------ Telefonata
Ndjenjat jane si nje rrjedhoje erotike. Magnetofoni mbi komodine; nje shuk letre mbi disqet qe deshiroj. Jashte, nje shi i imet lag bisedat e harruara. Nder to, sharje te zbehta me veshtrojne miqesine, dashurite e zvetnuara. Jam nje mesymje e vetvetes qe rrjedh si akrepi i sekondave te ndaluara. Aty ku noton vetedija e ti kerkon vec dike ku te besosh, duke m'u drejtuar: A me deshiron? Deshire?! Po une s'njoh asnje deshire!... Alo? Jam Sena ku mbyten ikjet. Kush jeni? Jeni krahet e oqeaneve somnambul tek ecin rrugeve te letersise qe adhuroj si Ajnshtajni violinen. ------------------------------------ Depresion
Kam endrren time personale mbi pavdeksine; qe ne vere me djersitet e ne dimer me futet ne shpirtin e ftohte. Te dy se bashku s'kemi fare se c'te bejme derisa te vije momenti qe te dy me ankth presim per te kryer secili detyren e tij. Megjithate, ne vere, e shoh te harboje rrugeve, te rrezohet e te ngrihet e te motivohet nga dhimbja ne jeten e nxire te nates. Ne dimer, nga nje vetekultivim i mosdinjitetit me shtrihet ne te tere qenien time duke me mbyllur syte e i ndjeshem mund te perplasem kudo. Ne te dy stinet e tjera s'para e ve re. Jam zakonisht i depresionuar e mbeshtetem teresisht tek alkooli. Sidoqofte, cdo udhehapje te re e ndajme te dy. ------------------------- i Trendafili
Ky trendafil i vyshkur qe zevendeson zemren tende dhe keto mendime qe s'te hyjne me ne pune permes te cilave shikoj frazat dhe format e cuditshme qe nuk me perkasin, por qe kur ulemi ne tavoline, naten, te tera me veshtrojne, pa drojtje me sy te larget e fytyra prej kukullash ndjenjash te balsamosura... Rrudhat e bezdisura te carcafit naten, pak pagjumesi dhe disa ide te trishta qe me ndjellin deshiren per te lozur me organet e tua me teorine time te veres dhe dhunes. Naten, perkatesisht, kemi pjeset e ndara te nje luleje qe duhet unifikuar: Ti, trendafilin e vyshkur; une, kercellin e thate, pa gjemba. Kemi planet reciproke per te dale hapur ne ekstaza violente tekstualisht te dhunshme sipas deshirave tona personale. E kjo dashuri e verber qe zevendeson zemren time... ....eshte gati ne te thyer.
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| | | TheBest Moderator
Numri i postimeve : 4519 Age : 36 Location : Deutschland Job/hobbies : Fraer Humor : Filmat qesharake Registration date : 13/11/2007
| Titulli: Re: Poezi nga "Varrezat e Femijerise" nga Renis Nushaj 17/9/2010, 13:33 | |
| Lorkes
Granada... Per ty dhe Granaden kete poezi te perzishme dedikuar! Me qelbin e lekures neteve, dhe diteve te nxehta oborreve ku kalojne cupezat e tua te vdekura nen driten e zbehte te Henes. Ju te dy, dhe dashuria e psheretimave per udhekryqet. Tamam tek ty ku ne zemer hyn si nje thike e ndryshkur helmi i dashurise, Folme! Folme; ne trion me zhurmen e dy lumenjve te Granades. Folme; aty ku dashurojme te tere, e te tere jemi dashuruar, edhe ciganet! Ciganet e tu kryelarte qe vallezojne me deshirat e tyre te mishit si gjilpera nen kembe... Ne syte e vogelusheve te befasuar, te zeshket, klithin. Ata klithin; dhe une kam deshire... Granadan...
Per ty dhe Granaden rrugeve te shelgjeve ku mbreterojne puhite: Kjo poezi qelish... -----------------------------
Per ty...
Kam nevoje,
per mungesen tende..!
Dhe per veshtrimin tend qe me dashuron. ---------------------- Mosnjohja
Thith nje fraze banale, sikur thith nje cigare, naten, perpara nje dritareje duke te reflektuar vec nje rreth drite ne fytyre, permes helmit qe shperndahet ne ajer, kudo, diku ku s'mund ta shoh, ta kontrolloj, e terheq pas vetes me te tere aromat qe permban, Dhe ky absurd i kesaj pikture qe kam perballe teksa mundohet te me trese deliret me ekstazat ne kujtese me terheq dhunshem drejt agonish qe s'i njoh per te me perfshire brenda tyre ne trillet e femrave plot epsh. Nje here, -tha, - mbaj mend qe iu afrova cvirgjerimit permes seksit me nje brune fare prane. Mbaj mend vetem zerin qe me tretej e zemren qe ralle here me rrihte shpejt, si i ngurosur pa emocione mendore, e me trupin te ngrire, Por me terheq, kjo mosnjohja, gjithashtu, me nderlidhjen e pasigurive, ne mocalet e jetes. Dhe ato pak hapa mistike; qe trokasin si therje diku larg ne koridoret e ftohte dhe te pajete te morgut qe aq mire njoh permes asaj vdekjeje personale qe me nje muzike ngjethese-mortore me aq ankth pres: mbase dhe se afermi; nuk e refuzoj.
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| Titulli: Re: Poezi nga "Varrezat e Femijerise" nga Renis Nushaj | |
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