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 Nexhat Osmani-Marshalla

Shko poshtė 

Numri i postimeve : 4519
Age : 36
Location : Deutschland
Job/hobbies : Fraer
Humor : Filmat qesharake
Registration date : 13/11/2007

Nexhat Osmani-Marshalla Empty
MesazhTitulli: Nexhat Osmani-Marshalla   Nexhat Osmani-Marshalla Icon_minitime18/1/2009, 04:55

sa mir vallen e lun qiik djeve tri ju kem met piik
aj fustan me nxhyra detit si mu kan naj qik e mbretin2

mashalla oj qik pot tham pe lun vallen me jardam her me dor her me bel sa mir ritmin e porcjell2

luj me naz e mos u ngut komplimente xhdo minut ta me zemer po ta them 7 mahal kan met pormend 2

mashalla oj qik pot tham pe lun vallen me jardam her me dor her me bel sa mir ritmin e porcjell3
Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė
Nexhat Osmani-Marshalla
Mbrapsht nė krye 
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