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 Causing Trauma - Unikkatil

Shko poshtė 

Numri i postimeve : 4519
Age : 36
Location : Deutschland
Job/hobbies : Fraer
Humor : Filmat qesharake
Registration date : 13/11/2007

Causing Trauma - Unikkatil Empty
MesazhTitulli: Causing Trauma - Unikkatil   Causing Trauma - Unikkatil Icon_minitime24/1/2009, 02:09

T'sawn and take a thrown, Causing of some trauma
Rebel bring more drama, been king kinds MAMMA
You ain't you git you prop state poolit
I'm origless when I speak, if I smack it turn the other sheet
I've too much to coke, with a broke don't prevoke
who gives a fuck a what you smoke, PUSSY WIZZY you a joke
You a plansted to get cursed with a nurse
and I don't need to be a GANGSTA been ALBANIAN's even worse
You can take you game in steinless
show them up to your einess
we might just take our blaimess
but I'm thanking my sgeimless
now let me explain this
I won't make it painess
exlpain this what the name of this game is
SHQIPE's got me back throw what ever shit I do
If I even look at you, baby bucking at your crew
In the name of the father the sun and the holy ghost
ALLAI EGBER your ass is stols

Time to take the throne, Causing of some trauma
Rebel bring more drama, then king kongs MAMA
You weak, you geek, you prostate leak.
I'm religious when I speak, if I smack, you turn your other cheek
I'm too much to cope with, then bro don't provoke
who gives a fuck bout what you smoke, PUSSY WUSSY you a joke
You a prankster get cursed with this verse ** hard to understand this line
and I don't need to be a GANGSTA been ALBANIAN's even worse
You can take you game in slainless
and shove it up your anus
you might just end up brainless
while I'm thanking my stainless
now let me explain this
I won't make it painless
Cuz pain is what the name of this game is
SHQIPE's got me back through what ever shit I do
If I even look at you, they be bucking at your crew
In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost
ALLAH AKBER your ass is toast
Mbrapsht nė krye Shko poshtė
Causing Trauma - Unikkatil
Mbrapsht nė krye 
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