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 Art and Crafts in Albania

Shko poshtė 

Numri i postimeve : 3223
Age : 38
Location : I Don't now
Job/hobbies : I Don't now
Humor : I Don't now
Registration date : 12/11/2007

Art and Crafts in Albania Empty
MesazhTitulli: Art and Crafts in Albania   Art and Crafts in Albania Icon_minitime26/9/2010, 15:12

Art and Crafts in Albania

Art and Crafts in Albania Albanian_SculptureArt-making in Albania starts in Antiquity. The most famous schools of the time were in Apollonia and Dyrrahium (Durrės). From the Byzantine and post-Byzantine period, iconography made great strides under such great iconographers as Onufri particularly known for his “special red.”

The eighteenth century witnessed further development of iconography under masters such as David Selenicasi, Kostandin Shpataraku, vėllezėrit Zoografė, Johan Cetiri, Onufėr Qiprioti etj.

During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, a number of painters and sculptors such as Zef Kolombi, Andrea Kushi, Odise Paskali, Murat Toptani, Vangjush Mio practiced these figurative arts.
In the modern era, Ibrahim Kodra’s paintings are by far the most well-known.

Punime Druri 2Albania has an old tradition of craftsmanship. In the Ottoman stands of the 1867 and 1894 international fairs in Paris and Chicago respectively, rifles and handguns produced in Shkod Shkodėr, Elbasan and Prizren were shown. Korēa, Kukės, Has and Kruja have an extensive tradition in carpet weaving, while pottery is practiced in Kavaja, hand weaving in Zadrima, filigree works, alabaster, silver, bronze etc

Art-making in Albania starts in Antiquity. The most famous schools of the time were in Apollonia and Dyrrahium (Durrės). From the Byzantine and post-Byzantine period, iconography made great strides under such great iconographers as Onufri particularly known for his “special red.”

The eighteenth century witnessed further development of iconography under masters such as David Selenicasi, Kostandin Shpataraku, vėllezėrit Zoografė, Johan Cetiri, Onufėr Qiprioti etj.

During the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, a number of painters and sculptors such as Zef Kolombi, Andrea Kushi, Odise Paskali, Murat Toptani, Vangjush Mio practiced these figurative arts.
In the modern era, Ibrahim Kodra’s paintings are by far the most well-known.

Art and Crafts in Albania Punime_druri_2Punime Druri 2Albania has an old tradition of craftsmanship. In the Ottoman stands of the 1867 and 1894 international fairs in Paris and Chicago respectively, rifles and handguns produced in Shkod Shkodėr, Elbasan and Prizren were shown. Korēa, Kukės, Has and Kruja have an extensive tradition in carpet weaving, while pottery is practiced in Kavaja, hand weaving in Zadrima, filigree works, alabaster, silver, bronze etc

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Art and Crafts in Albania
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